Heading into my favorite holiday and time of celebration, I value the importance of vulnerability.  Peace comes with acceptance of the unknown and gratitude for the past.  Christmas offers hope, a rebirth of one’s mindset.  Interestingly, I am reminded of a laminated bookmark my daughter created in kindergarten when tasked to write a poem for her mom, “my mom is calm like a zebra and fast like a chaeta.” 

Astin was born one week after I lost my grandmother and mentor.  I am wearing her animal print dress above.  Fast and calm, what could that mean at age five?  I think of Marge, fast to want to make life special and calm in her approach to believing in her role to make a difference.  There is irony in wanting to make things happen and being capable of withstanding the frustration of setbacks as they realize.  Interestingly both my daughter at age five and grandmother at 85 understood the value.

As I wrap up the final phases of building my home, I see the importance of “Zebra and Chaeta.”  I always say, I like to design to Z before beginning at A.  I view acceptance of responsibility and commitment to the process when targeting Z as the end goal.  Although life isn’t always linear, it has opportunities to grow through the process with a mindset of giving each step the very best of what you can offer.  Exceptional starts with respect for one’s ability to make a difference.  There is a deep sense of respect for oneself and the end result when focused efforts go beyond getting a task done rather diving into each step.
