Modern Day Living Magazine
“Clearly, this designer and business owner wears many hats. But thanks to family and faith, this multitasking mom is able to stay grounded and continue to focus on her purpose. We spoke with Ashley about going after your dreams, her upcoming projects, and what she hopes her legacy will be. We finished this interview feeling inspired, and we hope you do, too!” - Modern Day Living.
If you missed the article, I am grateful to Modern Day Living Magazine’s interest in my passion and the opportunity to share my mission and hope for a better future. I want to share a few points from the article as insight to my goals and inspiration.
I want to empower my kids to think beyond themselves, recognize their ability to create change and live with grace. I want my clients, tradesmen, and associates to do the same. Legacy is a gift you incite in others, a chance to live beyond yourself and time. I want to know this world will be left a better place because of my ideas and resilience.
When people inquire about my deep-rooted commitment to sustainability, I often reflect on a simple yet profound question: What if a trash truck never came to your home again, how would you handle your waste? Trash is not magically disappearing; at some point, we will all wish we had thought about this sooner. I get it and care enough to provide a step toward the solution.
In the realm of design and consumerism, I see parallels between mass-produced furniture and fast food. Mass-produced furniture is like fast food; it lacks quality and creates intolerable waste. Although the design trade offers beautiful, well-made pieces, not all clients want to invest in some of my favorite lines, nor are they being made with health in mind.
My line is handmade in the US, non-toxic, inside green, and factors in personalization. American-made products create jobs, impacting the employment opportunities in this country. Non-toxic products reduce inflammatory reactions. Natural products can be broken down and recycled. Sustainable products are made to last. Personalized products create a connection, a reason to hold on versus replace...I want to inspire others to see the big picture in consumption and purchase meaningfully.
We can make a difference one purchase at a time and with heartfelt connection to the process versus the need to consume, buy right and buy once.